Tag: commercial construction

The Benefits of Green Construction

J&R Construction is a growing segment of the building industry. Going green has several benefits, including energy efficiency and water conservation.


Many trade schools and labor organizations offer training programs for those interested in green construction careers. Some require certification or licensure, which usually involves passing an exam and meeting education, work experience, or training requirements.

Energy efficiency is one of the main benefits of green construction. It reduces a building’s environmental footprint by using renewable or recycled energy sources, minimizing the amount of embodied energy used to extract, process, and install building materials, and reducing the operating energy needed for equipment heating and lighting. It also reduces waste by recycling construction materials and utilizing sustainable technologies during the design and build phases of construction, operation, and maintenance.

Many architects and engineers use various techniques to design energy-efficient buildings cost-effectively. For example, a long, narrow building shape maximizes daylight in interior workspaces while minimizing solar heat gain and glare. Operable windows allow natural ventilation in temperate weather and can be used to reduce air conditioning in warmer climates. Low-emission glass limits interior solar heat gain and glare, while skylights and clerestory windows provide daylight to interior spaces.

Green building practices can further minimize a building’s environmental impact by reducing site impacts, for example, by avoiding unnecessary on-site grading or using alternative materials to replace traditional ones. The location of a building can also minimize its effect, for example, by choosing to locate a new retail store within walking distance of the existing community rather than driving customers to an out-of-town shopping mall.

Currently, the value of green nonresidential building construction is growing rapidly, and this growth will likely continue as green building becomes more widely adopted by developers, lenders, and investors. However, up-front costs for green construction, including design fees and longer construction times, are still higher than those for standard buildings. Eventually, valuation methods that consider these life-cycle costs when assessing the value of green buildings may be developed.

A green construction is a building that uses renewable materials that are environmentally friendly, safe, and healthy. These materials are sourced locally, reduce energy consumption and emissions, and provide on-site renewable energy. In addition, these materials are durable and cost-effective. They are also more aesthetically appealing. These features make green buildings more attractive to tenants and potential buyers and boost a business’s public perception as an environmentally responsible company.

Some of the most popular green construction materials include engineered wood products, bamboo, hempcrete, and recycled-content products. These materials produce less waste and are more energy-efficient than traditional wood-based products. They also support local economies and reduce the environmental impacts of raw material mining.

Another popular green building material is recycled aluminum. This material is highly flexible, has a low carbon footprint, and is easily recycled into new products. In addition, it is lightweight, reducing the transportation burden and making it easier to handle at the construction site.

Finally, bamboo is a versatile green construction material that is naturally insect-resistant and can replace lumber. Its rapid growth rate and regenerative properties make it a sustainable option for commercial and residential construction projects.

Using green building materials reduces the amount of waste produced during construction and provides on-site solutions to reduce waste from occupants. Green construction can also minimize the amount of water and energy used in a building, reducing expenses.

However, it’s important to note that no product is 100 percent eco-friendly. Some manufacturers use “green” as a marketing gesture, and there is no single standard for what constitutes an eco-friendly material.

While the construction industry is a necessary part of modern life, it also significantly impacts the environment. However, new processes are being used to minimize this effect during building and designing buildings that operate sustainably for many years. That is known as green construction.

One of the primary focuses of green construction is to improve indoor air quality (IAQ). That involves using low-VOC emitting building materials, interior components, and paints and implementing strategies for adequate ventilation and air cleaning. Green construction also works to limit outdoor pollutants by regulating HVAC systems and implementing air pollution monitors in construction areas.

According to studies, occupants in green buildings report better IAQ than conventional buildings. Green buildings are more energy efficient, so they use fewer natural resources, which means fewer air pollutants. Additionally, green buildings use fewer chemicals, emitting fewer toxins into the air.

Nevertheless, there are still issues with IAQ in green buildings. In particular, it is important to investigate and remediate mold problems quickly. High humidity, leaks, or floods can cause that. Testing for radon and ensuring that the building meets EPA standards is also essential. GrayWolf meters are a great tool for portable IAQ testing, long-term IAQ trend logging, and continuous monitoring in green buildings. That helps maintain healthy and productive occupants while reducing energy costs. Contact us today for more information about how we can help you improve your IAQ and achieve a healthy building. Jon Schoenfeld is the energy and building technology vice president at Buildings IOT.

Green buildings and homes are not only more energy efficient, but they also often sell for more money at resale. These factors make green construction a smart investment.

Many homebuilders and homeowners opt for green building materials and construction techniques to reduce energy costs. That is because a building constructed with these materials and methods uses less electricity and gas than one that does not, which can save homeowners money on their utility bills.

Many homeowners also opt for green home improvements to increase the resale value of their property. Several studies have shown that homes that are green-certified or built to green standards sell for more than those not, even when comparable properties are located in similar areas.

The value of green construction has increased dramatically over the past few years. Green nonresidential building was valued at $3 billion in 2005. 2010, it was estimated to be worth between $43 billion and $54 billion. This growth is expected to continue as more builders and homeowners recognize the benefits of green construction.

This study’s findings showed that, on average, green homes sold for about an 8% premium above code minimum homes. However, the resale value of green homes could be significantly higher if the right tools are in place to capture this value. These tools include providing a clear definition of green, avoiding self-reporting that can lead to inconsistent standards and “greenwashing,” and making it easier for lenders and financial markets to understand the long-term performance of green buildings and their impact on real estate values.

Buildings are responsible for an enormous share of global greenhouse gas emissions and energy, water, and materials consumption. Green construction seeks to reduce and ultimately eliminate these impacts in new buildings. , these buildings can run on renewable resources more efficiently, create superior indoor air quality, preserve natural habitats, and protect the environment for years to come.

During the design phase of green construction, architects and engineers use computer software to create more environmentally friendly plans than traditional methods. These plans can reduce energy and water waste, prevent contamination of the surrounding area, and limit the amount of chemicals used in construction. The construction crews building green buildings also receive specialized training on minimizing their impact.

Green construction also requires that builders use renewable or recycled materials to lessen the building’s environmental footprint. That includes using straw, sheep’s wool, hemp, and compressed earth blocks to make walls, floors, and ceilings. It also means using solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal heating to save energy costs and lower carbon emissions.

One big way that green construction affects the environment is through site selection. When selecting a new green building site, the builders try to find areas that can take advantage of natural features, such as proximity to the sun and prevailing winds. Avoiding sites that host endangered animals or eroding watersheds is also important.

Another aspect of green construction is smart growth, a concept that encourages developers to keep building on existing sites rather than sprawling out into new areas. That can help preserve farmland, forests, and natural areas, protect air and water quality, and promote public transit use. It also allows for the creation of parks and other community gathering spaces.
