Author: Kian Buchanan

What You Need to Know About Roof Replacement

When water suddenly starts dripping through a ceiling, it is a sign that the roof needs to be replaced. Getting a new roof is an investment that will add value to your home and help protect your belongings.

Roof Replacement

Several programs exist to assist homeowners with the cost of roofing repairs and replacement. Homeowners can also borrow personal loans, but should be careful not to spend more than they can afford to repay. Click Here for more information.

Whether to repair or replace a roof is a big decision for any homeowner. The right choice can help increase the value of a home and save on energy costs. However, the cost of a new roof can be high, making it important to consider all the options before committing to a project. There are a number of elements that determine the overall cost, including location, weather, and the size of the roof.

The age of the roof is one of the most significant factors that can influence whether to repair or replace it. A new roof is typically more expensive than repairs, but it can also offer a longer lifespan than an old one. It’s also worth considering the extent of any damage, as repairs may not be enough to fix leaks or other problems in some cases.

Another factor is the choice of materials, which can affect the price of reroofing. Some materials, such as slate or copper, are much more expensive than basic asphalt shingles, but they may add value to the home. Similarly, the shape and facets of the roof can also influence costs. For example, a dutch roof may require more structural work than a gable or hipped roof.

Other costs to keep in mind include labor and permits. The cost of a new roof can vary by region, so it’s a good idea to get quotes from multiple contractors to compare prices. In addition, homeowners should consider the impact of taxes and fees. In some cases, these can be significantly higher than the cost of the new roof itself.

While the cost of a new roof isn’t tax-deductible for most homeowners, it can be depreciated over the course of 27.5 years. This can be beneficial for homeowners who use their home for business purposes. It’s also possible to get a tax credit for certain energy-efficient roof options.

If a homeowner cannot afford to pay for the cost of a new roof in cash, they can apply for a personal loan or credit card. However, homeowners should be careful to limit their borrowing to avoid damaging their credit score. Additionally, they should never put a debt on more than 30 percent of their total available credit.


The roofing materials that are used in a roof replacement can make a substantial difference in the total cost. Some factors that affect this choice are outside the homeowner’s control, including geography and weather conditions. However, a home owner can choose alternative materials to save on costs or add value to the house. For example, many homeowners prefer the look of a wood shingle or shake roof that is made from cedar, pine, or spruce. Some of these types of roofing are more expensive than basic asphalt shingles, but they can last up to 50 years.

Another material option is metal, which is usually manufactured from galvanized steel or aluminum. This material is also durable and can be fabricated to resemble traditional asphalt shingles or even stone or clay tiles. Some homeowners may want to use a standing seam metal roof for its durability, low maintenance, and energy efficiency. It is possible for a metal roof to last up to 75 years.

Other roofing materials include terra-cotta, ceramic tile, wood shingles, synthetic wood, and slate. Some of these materials are available in a wide range of colors and styles, so homeowners can select the type that best suits their aesthetic preferences. Some of these roofing materials are extremely heavy, which can put additional strain on the trusses and rafters of the house. This can cause structural problems that may not be immediately apparent.

A new roof can also require the installation of ice and water barriers, which are placed at the lower edges of the roof. These barriers prevent ice from melting and water from pooling under the shingles and damaging the structure of the roof. These barriers can also help reduce the amount of air pollution that enters the home from the outdoors.

The most common roofing material is asphalt shingles, which are inexpensive and easy to install. They come in a variety of shades and styles, from basic three-tab shingles to 30- or 50-year premium architectural shingles. Homeowners who want a longer-lasting and more attractive roof should consider clay or slate tile roofs, which can have a lifespan of up to 150 years. However, these tiles can be quite heavy and may cause the roof to shift from its original position.


A roof replacement involves removing the old roofing materials and installing new ones. In most cases, this is a much larger project than simply doing roof repair work. This is because a full replacement typically requires the removal of the entire existing roof and often includes other work that is necessary to protect your home from the elements. This is why a professional should be hired to complete this type of large-scale work.

Once the contractor begins, the process will start with a thorough inspection of the existing roofing structure. Then, the underlying framework will be repaired if needed to ensure that your roof will remain sturdy and structurally sound. Some contractors will also check for areas where moisture may seep into your home, especially near penetrations and in the gaps around chimneys or other openings on the roof.

The next step is to install the underlayment, a layer of water-resistant material that covers the roof deck and helps keep moisture out of your home. Felt paper or tar paper is then stapled to the underlayment for additional moisture protection. Lastly, the shingles or other chosen roofing materials will be installed on top of the sheathing and water-resistant barrier. In some areas, flashing will be needed to protect eaves, valleys, roof edges and along chimneys or wood stove pipes, as well as in other leak-prone areas. Roofing cement will also be used to seal the edges and in other areas where the roofing components meet together.

As the roofing material is installed, the contractor will likely trim any overhanging branches and other obstructions that could damage your new roof during storms or high winds. In addition to maximizing the lifespan of your new roof, this will also help with preventing potential problems like mold growth and temperature fluctuations.

A permit is often required for roof replacement projects to ensure that the work complies with local building codes and regulations. However, the requirements for permits vary from locale to locale. In some places, a permit is only necessary if the work exceeds certain monetary or square footage limits. In other cases, a permit will be required for any construction that affects the structural integrity of a home or property.


A quality roof warranty offers a safety net against unforeseen costs and issues that could jeopardize the overall functionality of your home’s roofing system. However, it’s essential for homeowners to understand the nuances of top-rated warranties in order to ensure they select coverage that precisely aligns with their requirements and preferences.

Essentially, there are two types of roof warranties: manufacturer and contractor. The former covers material defects, while the latter covers workmanship. Most manufacturers offer extended warranties for a longer period of time than their standard warranties, and they also require that the work be performed by contractors who are certified by the manufacturer to install the materials.

Additionally, many manufacturers produce impact-resistant roofing materials. These are designed to resist damage from high-speed flying debris, which could otherwise cause serious structural problems for your home. Adding this type of protection to your roof can be a good idea if you live in an area prone to hail storms.

Many top-rated roofing contractors offer a workmanship warranty, which guarantees that the installation of your new roof is done correctly. This is typically a separate warranty from the manufacturer’s warranty, and its duration can vary by New York roofing contractor. Some of these warranties are valid for lifetime, while others may be voided if the contractor is not regularly inspected and maintained by the homeowner.

It’s also important to read the fine print of your roofing warranty to make sure you understand exactly what it does and does not cover. For instance, some warranties are voided if the roof is not properly maintained, such as having it inspected and cleaned by a professional on a regular basis. Also, some warranties are pro-rated, which means that the coverage will diminish over time.

Finally, be aware that most manufacturers’ warranties do not cover damage caused by natural events such as heavy snowfall, lightning or hail. Unless it is specified in your manufacturer’s warranty, you will need to add on an additional insurance policy for these types of claims. While these are not common, they do occur, and it’s best to be prepared.

How to Keep Your Deck Looking Its Best

Like any outdoor living area, decks need periodic cleaning to keep them safe for outdoor gatherings. Using a natural cleaner can prevent the need for harsh chemicals and can extend the life of wood decks and furniture.

Mix the following ingredients in a bucket of warm water: 2 cups powdered oxygen bleach (such as OxiClean, available at most grocery stores). For more information visit Deck Repair Charleston SC.

As the weather warms and people start spending more time outdoors, a clean deck becomes a must. This is especially true for people with outdoor pools, as a clean deck makes the transition between pool and home more pleasant. However, a dirty deck is not only unattractive but can also lead to injuries due to splinters and slippery surfaces. While it may seem like a hassle, the best way to keep your deck looking its best is to sweep it regularly. This will remove loose dirt and debris, as well as prevent the buildup of mold and mildew, which can cause stains.

Sweeping is a simple task that can be done using a regular broom or a power washer. Before you begin, remove furniture, plants, and other items from the deck so they do not get dirty or wet during cleaning. It is also important to use a broom with tightly spaced bristles to remove dust and other small particles without damaging the surface of the deck board.

If you choose to use a power washer, be careful not to overdo it and damage the surface of the deck or the wood fibers in it. It is best to start with the lowest water pressure and move up if necessary. Before you begin, be sure to put on appropriate protective gear, such as rubber gloves and eye protection. It is also a good idea to cover any plants in the surrounding area that could be damaged by soapy water from the wash hose or power washer nozzle.

Once you have prepared the surrounding areas, mix a cleaning solution of water and mild soap or deck cleaner according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Wet the deck with a garden hose or bucket of water, and scrub away dirt, mold, mildew, and surface stains. Always work one section at a time and rinse the brush frequently with a hose or bucket of clean water. This helps to prevent the soap from sitting or drying on the boards and staining them.

A dirty deck isn’t just ugly; it prevents new stains from penetrating the wood. This can lead to peeling and cracking. You must thoroughly wash the deck before staining it again if you want the fresh coat to last long.

Remove furniture, grills, and plants from the deck and spray them with a garden hose or a power washer to a low-pressure setting. Keep the nozzle at least 6-12 inches from the surface to avoid damaging it. It would be best always to use a non-toxic cleaner such as oxygen bleach, which isn’t harmful to the environment or plant life. Avoid chlorine bleach, which can damage a deck by whitening it unnaturally and even corrode metal elements such as nails in the wood.

The best chemical cleaners are available in liquid form or in a powder you mix with water. Wear rubber gloves when mixing and applying the cleaner. If the cleaning solution contains ammonia or bleach, it can cause eye, nose, and mouth irritation. If you need to banish mildew stains, add 1 cup of Borax (a natural mineral compound that won’t harm plants) to your cleaner at the same time you add the oxygen bleach.

Rinse the deck well after the homemade cleaning solution has been on it for a few minutes to remove residual chemicals. Some solutions must be left on the wood for a few hours or days to break down embedded contaminants. Cover landscape plants around the deck, if necessary, so the oxalic acid or other compounds in the cleaner don’t leach into and kill them.

Scrub the deck with a scrub brush as needed, especially on areas with stubborn stains. Rinse it well afterward to remove any remaining cleaners and brighten the wood. If you need to, you can also apply a wood brightener, which is sold in most hardware stores. This is particularly important if the deck has grayed or darkened with age and has developed iron and brown-black tannin stains. Brighteners can be used on both cedar and redwood.

A good rinse is just as important as the sweep and wash because it clears away any cleaning solution that may have dried on the deck’s surface. Without rinsing, this cleaning residue can etch the surface of your wood or even cause damage to your deck stain. If you used a pressure washer, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and maintain a safe distance from your deck to avoid sanding it off.

Some deck cleaners contain chemicals that can negatively affect nearby plants and grass. You can reduce the risk of damage by wetting down plants and lawn areas before cleaning your deck and rinsing them off as soon as you finish the wash.

If you’re washing a stained deck, you can try a natural cleaning alternative to bleach that’s gentle on the environment and your wallet. Vinegar can remove grease, kill mold and mildew, and eliminate stubborn odors. Combine equal parts of white vinegar and water in a bucket, scrub the surface with a soft-bristled brush, then rinse well. You can also use a pressure washer set to low pressure for particularly soiled or grimy sections of your deck.

Scrub away dirt, mold, mildew, and any other surface stains, working one section of your deck at a time. Ensure you have a hose nearby and spray the scrubbed area frequently to keep it wet.

When you’re ready to start the final rinse, use a garden hose with a spray nozzle so the water doesn’t fall off the boards or dry on the deck’s surface. The nozzle should be slightly lower than the height of your deck to prevent water from pooling on the top boards and staining them.

After you’re done rinsing your deck, it will need to dry completely before you can start using it again. It may take 24-48 hours for your deck to dry fully, especially if the weather is cool or humid. During this time, you can use the push broom to sweep off any standing debris and help the deck dry faster.

A deck that’s not dry is an invitation to mold, mildew, and wood rot. These substances look unsightly and smell unpleasant, but they damage the wood and turn it from a sturdy, load-bearing structure into a shaky mess. Moisture that clings to the surface or between boards can also cause warping and cracking that weakens the deck and invites insects. The best way to protect your deck and avoid costly repairs is to keep up with cleaning and staining.

When you’re ready to wash your deck, spritz it with water to soften the cellulose fibers and make the cleaning solution more effective. Then, mix up a cleaning solution compatible with your deck material. You can purchase a commercial cleaner or a simple homemade solution of oxygen bleach and warm water. If you use a power washer, point the sprayer away from people and windows. The pressure from the sprayer can damage them and harm plants or pets that may be nearby.

Once your deck is clean and sanitized, be sure to let it dry completely before applying any additional treatments, such as staining or painting. Then, you can enjoy your newly cleaned deck and avoid the unsightly damage that can occur if you don’t keep up with regular cleanings.

Allow the deck to dry for 48 hours before walking on it. Touching the surface and testing with litmus strips that change color based on moisture can help determine if the deck is fully dry and ready for foot traffic. Taking these precautions will protect the investment you’ve made in your deck and will make it more resistant to future damage from moisture buildup.

5 Eye-Catching Bathroom Remodel Designs

Milwaukee Bathroom Remodeling can add bold paint colors, and unique mirrors can add flair to your remodel. Simple touches like new towels, rugs, and decor can make your room feel alive.

bathroom remodeling

Mirrors make rooms feel bigger by reflecting natural light and creating depth. Whether working in a small space or trying to balance an already crowded room, the right mirror can make all the difference. Plus, mirrors are an easy and cost-effective way to upgrade your bathroom without putting in permanent touches like custom tile or expensive fixtures.

Depending on the style you’re going for, your bathroom mirrors can be a great focal point or a subtle accent. A simple, rectangular frame will fit most bathrooms, but a custom design adds character. Choose a bold geometric shape for a modern look or something more traditional, like a beveled edge. You can even play with color by choosing a matte black finish that coordinates with other elements in your bathroom remodel, like the faucet, towel holder, and floating shelves.

Another option is to go completely frameless and create a sleek, minimalistic aesthetic. This works well for modern and industrial styles. You can also incorporate other materials to give your bathroom a more organic, rustic feel. A natural wooden frame will tie into wood countertops or a farmhouse-inspired vanity and can inspire other design choices like an organic pendant light or wooden bathroom shelving.

If you want to add an extra dimension to your bathroom, try layering mirrors. Not only does this create a unique, textured appearance, but it also increases your lighting options. You can use two different mirror shapes to create a layered look like this bathroom or even opt for a full wall of mirror panes.

Adding decorative trims or shapes lets you get creative with the framing. This helps to highlight other design features in the room, such as a bold backsplash or a pop of color on the walls. This bathroom’s asymmetrical mirrors with an oversized frame and a gold accent piece add to the contemporary yet rustic vibe of the space.

Mirrors can also be a good way to hide imperfections on your walls until you can afford or are ready to fix them. This is especially useful if you’ve recently switched from one sink to two or back again. You can even use a large mirror to cover up dated wallpaper until it is right for removal.

While some may assume bathroom color schemes must be bright and bold, a soft, neutral palette can also feel luxurious. If you choose the right shades of white, gray, and other neutrals, your space can look elegant and contemporary while also allowing you to incorporate stylish decor elements. Light colors also reflect light easily, making your bathroom appear bigger than it is.

If you need help deciding what paint to choose for your new bathroom, consider consulting a color wheel. The wheels can help you find shades that complement one another and give you an idea of how a color will play out in different rooms of the house. For example, blue and green are opposite on the color wheel, but they can work well together if you pair them with shades like pink and yellow.

Opt for a soft shade of gray for a classic bathroom that will never go out of style. This bathroom paint color creates a soothing backdrop that pairs nicely with sleek granite or marble countertops and modern bathroom fixtures. You can keep the room feeling fresh and airy by choosing white tile for the floor, or you can add a splash of color with accent walls in bright or pastel hues.

Brown bathroom hues aren’t as common, but they can offer a spa-like feel and look beautiful with many types of décor. You can opt for chocolate brown or a lighter, more neutral shade that minimizes shadows and makes your bathroom look spacious.

Green bathroom paint colors can offer a sense of tranquility and nature. They’re a great choice for bathrooms with natural wood materials and can also be used to complement a garden-inspired motif or a country cottage aesthetic. Lighter green hues like sage and mint are popular for bathroom color, but you can also experiment with olive or chartreuse to create a more dramatic or earthy look.

A bathroom with a monochromatic color scheme creates a sophisticated look that’s simple to achieve. You can use the same color throughout the entire room to create a cohesive look or choose different tints of the same color to achieve a more dynamic effect.

While green may not be the first color that comes to mind when considering a bathroom, it can be a gorgeous complement to traditional or modern designs. Whether adding a hint of mint to the shower curtain or drenching the space in a soothing sage, green can make your bathroom feel more vibrant and energetic.

Using green in your bathroom remodel is also an excellent way to increase your home’s energy efficiency. Installing new, high-efficiency appliances and fixtures will reduce the amount of fossil fuels used to heat your home and water. Similarly, radiant heating systems use less energy than forced air furnaces and can also reduce the circulation of dust and other allergens throughout your home.

Choose low-VOC paints, adhesives, and sealants to achieve a healthier living environment during your remodel. These products will emit fewer harmful chemicals into the air during application and throughout their lifespan, making your bathroom feel like a toxin-free spa.

Look for tile that is made with recycled content as well. In addition to reducing waste, these tiles are durable and can create a stunning aesthetic in the bath. Many of these options are glazed or polished, making them easy to clean and resist moisture and mold growth. Additionally, consider using natural wood trim and door and window casings, which are sustainable and look as beautiful as their conventional counterparts.

Planting a few plants is another great way to incorporate green into your bathroom. Not only will they add a pop of color, but they’ll also improve your indoor air quality by releasing oxygen. Some of the most popular choices include ferns, jade, and aloe vera.

Finally, you can incorporate green in your bathroom by painting the walls a unique shade of green. There are many shades of green to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that suits your personality. If you’re unsure where to begin, try using a color swatch to narrow your options and decide what hue would work best in your bathroom.

Incorporating rock-filled floors in your bathroom remodel design creates a calm aesthetic that will make you feel like you are entering your spa. The texture of the flooring adds interest to a room and makes it easier to keep clean. It may be a bit more expensive than traditional tile, but the energy savings and comfort it provides will make it worth it in the long run.

Consider adding a geometric floor pattern to your remodel if you want a more modern style. These patterns can complement or contrast other details in your bathroom, such as the shower tile or backsplash. The straight lines of the pattern show off a contemporary style, and this design is suitable for a wide variety of bathroom styles.

Natural stone is a popular choice for bathroom floors, but this can be expensive and a safety hazard if it needs to be properly heated. You should install a radiant floor heating system to avoid slipping and falling. This will also save you money on your energy bill and keep your feet warm throughout the year.

Another way to add stone is to use it as a backsplash behind your sink or tub. It’s a durable material that can stand up to water, and it also looks great with other materials, such as wood or tile. If you want to spend less money on stone, porcelain tiles that mimic the look of almost any type of natural stone are available.

While hiring a professional designer can help you develop the best bathroom remodel design, it is optional to get your dream space. Research and creativity can help you find a style that fits your personality and meets your functional needs.

A bathroom is one of the most used rooms in a home, so it is important to create a space you love. With the right bathroom remodel, you can have a space that will be comfortable and stylish for years to come. Contact Compelling Homes to begin your project today.
